No big hall to vacate, no identical attendents, no pew bows, fairy lights, and metres of tulle. Just a Bride and a Groom totally besotted with one another, and immediate family. And me, of course! LOL
We literally got out of our cars, walked a few steps to this wonderful view of the lake, and witnessed D & J pledge their love. A few more steps out to the pier and we couldn't have asked for a better backdrop! Despite it being October, the weather was mild and perfect in every way.
Thanks for having me join you on your special day D & J! I can't wait to do your maternity and newborn portraits in 2009! Here's your sneak peek!

Wow at that last one, great job!
BEAUTIFUL pictures! The last one looks like a magazine shoot. What a gorgeous couple.
Gorgeous shots! I especially love the ones by the water.
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